Join Peppa Pig and her brother George as they get ready for Christmas. First there's Santa's grotto, where Peppa and George tell Santa what they would like for Christmas. Then Granny Pig has an important festive job for them and Peppa gets to make a very
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Join Peppa Pig and her brother George as they get ready for Christmas. First there's Santa's grotto, where Peppa and George tell Santa what they would like for Christmas. Then Granny Pig has an important festive job for them and Peppa gets to make a very
Технические характеристики
ИздательствоLadybird Books Ltd
Год выпуска2012
Тип обложкиКартон
Тип книгиКнига на иностранном языке
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц16
Формат издания175x175
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Переводное название книгиСвинка Пеппа: рождественское желание Пеппы
ПерсонажСвинка Пеппа
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