Аннотация: It's Peppa's birthday and she is very excited. There is going to be a party - with presents and games and a cake - hooray! There will even be a special show from Magic Daddy. Abracadabra! But will Peppa's birthday wish come true when she blows
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Аннотация: It's Peppa's birthday and she is very excited. There is going to be a party - with presents and games and a cake - hooray! There will even be a special show from Magic Daddy. Abracadabra! But will Peppa's birthday wish come true when she blows
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АннотацияIt's Peppa's birthday and she is very excited. There is going to be a party - with presents and games and a cake - hooray! There will even be a special show from Magic Daddy. Abracadabra! But will Peppa's birthday wish come true when she blows out her can
ИздательствоPenguin Books
Серия0-5 years
Год издания2018