Аннотация: A bright and colourful board book for little readers (and piglets) everywhere! Peppa and her family are in Australia, staying with Kylie Kangaroo. When the two families visit the beach to learn how to surf, Daddy Pig and George find their own s
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Аннотация: A bright and colourful board book for little readers (and piglets) everywhere! Peppa and her family are in Australia, staying with Kylie Kangaroo. When the two families visit the beach to learn how to surf, Daddy Pig and George find their own s
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АннотацияA bright and colourful board book for little readers (and piglets) everywhere! Peppa and her family are in Australia, staying with Kylie Kangaroo. When the two families visit the beach to learn how to surf, Daddy Pig and George find their own special way
ИздательствоPenguin Books
СерияPeppa Pig
Год издания2018