Аннотация: Have hours of fun with Peppa and George's Wipe-Clean Activity Book. Little Peppa Pig fans will love this activity book they can enjoy over and over again! Use your very own Peppa Pig pen on the piggy puzzles, games and activities in this book.
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Аннотация: Have hours of fun with Peppa and George's Wipe-Clean Activity Book. Little Peppa Pig fans will love this activity book they can enjoy over and over again! Use your very own Peppa Pig pen on the piggy puzzles, games and activities in this book.
Технические характеристики
АннотацияHave hours of fun with Peppa and George's Wipe-Clean Activity Book. Little Peppa Pig fans will love this activity book they can enjoy over and over again! Use your very own Peppa Pig pen on the piggy puzzles, games and activities in this book. Then, wipe
ИздательствоLadybird Books
СерияPeppa Pig
Год издания2013