Аннотация: A P.G. Wodehouse novel. Young Jerry West has a few problems. His uncle Crispin is broke and employs a butler who isn't all he seems. His other uncle Willoughby is rich but won't hand over any of his inheritance. And to cap it all, although alre
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Аннотация: A P.G. Wodehouse novel. Young Jerry West has a few problems. His uncle Crispin is broke and employs a butler who isn't all he seems. His other uncle Willoughby is rich but won't hand over any of his inheritance. And to cap it all, although alre
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АннотацияA P.G. Wodehouse novel. Young Jerry West has a few problems. His uncle Crispin is broke and employs a butler who isn't all he seems. His other uncle Willoughby is rich but won't hand over any of his inheritance. And to cap it all, although already engaged
ИздательствоRandom House
АвторWodehouse Pelham Grenville (Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл)
Год издания2008