Ring, Tony (Ed.) "Wit & Wisdom of P.G. Wodehouse"
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Аннотация: This is the 'Wit and Wisdom of the Master' - all compacted into 128 pithy pages! Tony Ring, the president of the Wodehouse Association and author of the 600,000-word "Millennium Wodehouse Concordance", has drawn on his extensive knowledge and e

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Аннотация: This is the 'Wit and Wisdom of the Master' - all compacted into 128 pithy pages! Tony Ring, the president of the Wodehouse Association and author of the 600,000-word "Millennium Wodehouse Concordance", has drawn on his extensive knowledge and e

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АннотацияThis is the 'Wit and Wisdom of the Master' - all compacted into 128 pithy pages! Tony Ring, the president of the Wodehouse Association and author of the 600,000-word "Millennium Wodehouse Concordance", has drawn on his extensive knowledge and even more wo

ИздательствоRandom House

АвторRing, Tony (Ed.)


Год издания2008

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