Аннотация: Three exciting fire engine tales with a wind-up model fire engine to bring the stories to life. The thick card pages have embedded tracks for the fire engine to rush to the fires. Includes a button to press to make the noisy fire engine go ‘nee
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Аннотация: Three exciting fire engine tales with a wind-up model fire engine to bring the stories to life. The thick card pages have embedded tracks for the fire engine to rush to the fires. Includes a button to press to make the noisy fire engine go ‘nee
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АннотацияThree exciting fire engine tales with a wind-up model fire engine to bring the stories to life. The thick card pages have embedded tracks for the fire engine to rush to the fires. Includes a button to press to make the noisy fire engine go ‘nee-naw’.
АвторSam Taplin
Год издания2008