Аннотация: IELTS Testbuilder 1 has been updated with completely new IELTS material, where students can practise authentic exam-style questions paper-by-paper, while the 'Further Practice and Guidance' sections give comprehensive advice on how to approach
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Аннотация: IELTS Testbuilder 1 has been updated with completely new IELTS material, where students can practise authentic exam-style questions paper-by-paper, while the 'Further Practice and Guidance' sections give comprehensive advice on how to approach
Технические характеристики
АннотацияIELTS Testbuilder 1 has been updated with completely new IELTS material, where students can practise authentic exam-style questions paper-by-paper, while the 'Further Practice and Guidance' sections give comprehensive advice on how to approach specific ar
ИздательствоMacmillan Publishers
СерияIELTS 1 Testbuilder
АвторMcCarter, Sam
Год издания2015