Аннотация: Children will enjoy winding up the helicopter and watching it zoom around the tracks time and time again in this exciting interactive book. The colourful scenes with tracks embedded in the pages show the helicopter helping boys stranded on rock
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1723.85 ₽LOVULAR подгузники Hot Wind L (9-13
1723.85 ₽LOVULAR подгузники Hot Wind М (5-10
2873.85 ₽LOVULAR трусики Hot Wind L (9-14 кг
1583.55 ₽Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: Children will enjoy winding up the helicopter and watching it zoom around the tracks time and time again in this exciting interactive book. The colourful scenes with tracks embedded in the pages show the helicopter helping boys stranded on rock
Технические характеристики
АннотацияChildren will enjoy winding up the helicopter and watching it zoom around the tracks time and time again in this exciting interactive book. The colourful scenes with tracks embedded in the pages show the helicopter helping boys stranded on rocks at the be
СерияWind up books
Год издания2018