Аннотация: Increase your knowledge of vocabulary with Collins Vocabulary for IELTS and get the score you need. IELTS is the world's leading test of English for higher education and migration and is recognised by 6000 institutions in over 135 countries. Co
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Аннотация: Increase your knowledge of vocabulary with Collins Vocabulary for IELTS and get the score you need. IELTS is the world's leading test of English for higher education and migration and is recognised by 6000 institutions in over 135 countries. Co
Технические характеристики
АннотацияIncrease your knowledge of vocabulary with Collins Vocabulary for IELTS and get the score you need. IELTS is the world's leading test of English for higher education and migration and is recognised by 6000 institutions in over 135 countries. Collins Vocab
ИздательствоCengage Learning
АвторWilliams Anneli
Год издания2012