Аннотация: This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format. `Sons of Scotland! You have come here to fight as free men. If you fight, perhaps you'll die. If you run, you may live for a time. But at what cost?' B
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format. `Sons of Scotland! You have come here to fight as free men. If you fight, perhaps you'll die. If you run, you may live for a time. But at what cost?' B
Технические характеристики
АннотацияThis reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format. `Sons of Scotland! You have come here to fight as free men. If you fight, perhaps you'll die. If you run, you may live for a time. But at what cost?' Braveheart i
АвторWallace, Randall