Track ListingLinus and LucyGraveyard ThemeSnoopy and the Leaf/Frieda (With the Naturally Curly Hair)The Great Pumpkin WaltzLinus and Lucy (Reprise)Charlie Brown Theme/Happy LinusThe Great Pumpkin Waltz (Reprise)The Red Baron/Military Drum MarchThe Great P
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Track ListingLinus and LucyGraveyard ThemeSnoopy and the Leaf/Frieda (With the Naturally Curly Hair)The Great Pumpkin WaltzLinus and Lucy (Reprise)Charlie Brown Theme/Happy LinusThe Great Pumpkin Waltz (Reprise)The Red Baron/Military Drum MarchThe Great P
Технические характеристики
Жанр музыкиДжаз и Блюз//Fusion
СтранаЕвропейский Союз
Тип носителяВиниловая пластинка
Год издания2021