Аннотация: France. A skint, clapped-out British philosopher meets an incompetent, freshly released, one-armed, armed robber. The Thought Gang is born as the duo blag their way from Montpellier to Toulon for the ultimate bank robbery. Ferociously funny, Fi
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Аннотация: France. A skint, clapped-out British philosopher meets an incompetent, freshly released, one-armed, armed robber. The Thought Gang is born as the duo blag their way from Montpellier to Toulon for the ultimate bank robbery. Ferociously funny, Fi
Технические характеристики
АннотацияFrance. A skint, clapped-out British philosopher meets an incompetent, freshly released, one-armed, armed robber. The Thought Gang is born as the duo blag their way from Montpellier to Toulon for the ultimate bank robbery. Ferociously funny, Fischer combi
ИздательствоRandom House
АвторTibor Fischer
Год издания2009