Leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python and learn how to set up your own robust environment for performing text analytics. This second edition has gone through a major revamp and introduces several significant changes and new topics based on
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Leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python and learn how to set up your own robust environment for performing text analytics. This second edition has gone through a major revamp and introduces several significant changes and new topics based on
Технические характеристики
Год выпуска2019
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Автор на обложкеDipanjan Sarkar
Тип книгиПечать по требованию
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц700
Тип бумаги в книгеОфсетная
Размеры, мм205 x 260
Вес с упаковкой, г1419