Sokolove Michael "Drama High: The Incredible True Story of a Brilliant Teacher, a Struggling Town, and the Magic of Theater"
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Аннотация: Friday Night Lights meets Glee - the incredible and true story of an extraordinary drama teacher who has changed the lives of thousands of students and inspired a town. Why would the multimillionaire producer of Cats, The Phantom of the Opera,

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Аннотация: Friday Night Lights meets Glee - the incredible and true story of an extraordinary drama teacher who has changed the lives of thousands of students and inspired a town. Why would the multimillionaire producer of Cats, The Phantom of the Opera,

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АннотацияFriday Night Lights meets Glee - the incredible and true story of an extraordinary drama teacher who has changed the lives of thousands of students and inspired a town. Why would the multimillionaire producer of Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, and Miss Sa

ИздательствоRandom House

АвторSokolove Michael

Год издания2014

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