Robert Louis Stevenson "Magical Tales from the South Seas (+ Audio CD)"
артикул Y6068296

Аннотация: Set in the lush paradise of the South Seas, Stevenson tells his tales of magic and spirits, where incredible things can happen.In The Isle of Voices meet Kalamake, the wizard of Molokai, Hawaii, who transforms seashells into dollars! Find out w

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Аннотация: Set in the lush paradise of the South Seas, Stevenson tells his tales of magic and spirits, where incredible things can happen.In The Isle of Voices meet Kalamake, the wizard of Molokai, Hawaii, who transforms seashells into dollars! Find out w

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АннотацияSet in the lush paradise of the South Seas, Stevenson tells his tales of magic and spirits, where incredible things can happen.In The Isle of Voices meet Kalamake, the wizard of Molokai, Hawaii, who transforms seashells into dollars! Find out what happens


СерияReading & Training 2

АвторRobert Louis Stevenson


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