Аннотация: Greetings, initiate!Carter Kane, here. Congratulations on reaching Brooklyn House in one piece. You are quite clearly descended from Egyptian royalty, with magical powers gifted from the gods.But what good is power without knowing how to use it
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Аннотация: Greetings, initiate!Carter Kane, here. Congratulations on reaching Brooklyn House in one piece. You are quite clearly descended from Egyptian royalty, with magical powers gifted from the gods.But what good is power without knowing how to use it
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АннотацияGreetings, initiate!Carter Kane, here. Congratulations on reaching Brooklyn House in one piece. You are quite clearly descended from Egyptian royalty, with magical powers gifted from the gods.But what good is power without knowing how to use it?That's whe
ИздательствоPenguin Books
Серия9-11 years
АвторRiordan, Rick
Год издания2018