Аннотация: his collection of Pushkin’s stories begins with ‘The Queen of Spades’, perhaps the most celebrated short story in Russian literature. The young Hermann, while watching some friends gambling, hears a rumour of how an officer’s grandmother is alw
Пушкин / Town of Pushkin (набор из
269.12 ₽Pushkin / Пушкин (набор из 16 откры
269.12 ₽Пушкин. Парки / The Parks at Pushki
269.12 ₽Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: his collection of Pushkin’s stories begins with ‘The Queen of Spades’, perhaps the most celebrated short story in Russian literature. The young Hermann, while watching some friends gambling, hears a rumour of how an officer’s grandmother is alw
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Аннотацияhis collection of Pushkin’s stories begins with ‘The Queen of Spades’, perhaps the most celebrated short story in Russian literature. The young Hermann, while watching some friends gambling, hears a rumour of how an officer’s grandmother is always able to
ИздательствоBloomsbury Publishing
АвторPushkin, Alexander
Год издания2015