Аннотация: Part of the "Young Reading Series One" that is designed for children just beginning to read to help build confidence and ability, this work contains three popular titles with hardback covers.
Издательство: Usborne
Серия: Young reading
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: Part of the "Young Reading Series One" that is designed for children just beginning to read to help build confidence and ability, this work contains three popular titles with hardback covers.
Издательство: Usborne
Серия: Young reading
Технические характеристики
АннотацияPart of the "Young Reading Series One" that is designed for children just beginning to read to help build confidence and ability, this work contains three popular titles with hardback covers.
СерияYoung reading (series 1)
АвторPunter, Russell
Год издания2007