Аннотация: Look after the dead, said the priests, and the dead will look after you. Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country whose largesse - and indeed treasury - is unlikely t
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Аннотация: Look after the dead, said the priests, and the dead will look after you. Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country whose largesse - and indeed treasury - is unlikely t
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АннотацияLook after the dead, said the priests, and the dead will look after you. Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country whose largesse - and indeed treasury - is unlikely to stretch t
ИздательствоOrion Publishers
АвторPratchett Terry
Год издания2014