Комментарий:Треклист: 1-01. Revenant 1-02. Open Car 1-03. Blackest Eyes 1-04. Lazarus 1-05. Hatesong 1-06. Don't Hate Me 1-07. Mother And Child Divided 1-08. Buying New Soul 1-09. So Called Friend 1-10. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here 1-11. Heartattack In
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Комментарий:Треклист: 1-01. Revenant 1-02. Open Car 1-03. Blackest Eyes 1-04. Lazarus 1-05. Hatesong 1-06. Don't Hate Me 1-07. Mother And Child Divided 1-08. Buying New Soul 1-09. So Called Friend 1-10. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here 1-11. Heartattack In
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Тип носителяDVD
Количество носителей2
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