Nesbit, E "Story Of The Amulet"
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Аннотация: At the end of Five Children and It the five children promised not to ask the Psammead for another wish as long as they lived, but expressed a half wish to see it again some time. They find "it" again in a pet shop in Camden Town, and their magi

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Аннотация: At the end of Five Children and It the five children promised not to ask the Psammead for another wish as long as they lived, but expressed a half wish to see it again some time. They find "it" again in a pet shop in Camden Town, and their magi

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АннотацияAt the end of Five Children and It the five children promised not to ask the Psammead for another wish as long as they lived, but expressed a half wish to see it again some time. They find "it" again in a pet shop in Camden Town, and their magic adventure

ИздательствоPenguin Books

СерияPuffin classics

АвторNesbit, E


Год издания1996

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