Аннотация: Renowned children's author Michael Morpurgo teams up with bestselling illustrator Jim Field in this stunning Christmas picture book. Dearest little Mia, This Christmas, instead of a Christmas card - you'll have plenty of those - and instead of
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Аннотация: Renowned children's author Michael Morpurgo teams up with bestselling illustrator Jim Field in this stunning Christmas picture book. Dearest little Mia, This Christmas, instead of a Christmas card - you'll have plenty of those - and instead of
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АннотацияRenowned children's author Michael Morpurgo teams up with bestselling illustrator Jim Field in this stunning Christmas picture book. Dearest little Mia, This Christmas, instead of a Christmas card - you'll have plenty of those - and instead of a present -
АвторMorpurgo, Michael
Год издания2018