Аннотация: Tom Cartwright is a ghost-writer: eking out a living in Edinburgh, he is always ready to assumethe persona of a struggling working mother-of-four, or a round-the-world yachtsman, or a 'sensual' aromatherapist - indeed anyone his agent asks him
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Аннотация: Tom Cartwright is a ghost-writer: eking out a living in Edinburgh, he is always ready to assumethe persona of a struggling working mother-of-four, or a round-the-world yachtsman, or a 'sensual' aromatherapist - indeed anyone his agent asks him
Технические характеристики
АннотацияTom Cartwright is a ghost-writer: eking out a living in Edinburgh, he is always ready to assumethe persona of a struggling working mother-of-four, or a round-the-world yachtsman, or a 'sensual' aromatherapist - indeed anyone his agent asks him to be, so l
ИздательствоOrion Publishers
АвторMillington, Mil