Mary Shelley "Frankenstein (+ Audio CD)"
артикул Y6080023

Аннотация: A fascination with science and the aspiration to understand the mysteries of creation lead Victor Frankenstein to create life from death. But the results are not what he expects and his rejection of his monstrous creation causes dire consequenc

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Аннотация: A fascination with science and the aspiration to understand the mysteries of creation lead Victor Frankenstein to create life from death. But the results are not what he expects and his rejection of his monstrous creation causes dire consequenc

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АннотацияA fascination with science and the aspiration to understand the mysteries of creation lead Victor Frankenstein to create life from death. But the results are not what he expects and his rejection of his monstrous creation causes dire consequences for hims


СерияReading & Training 5

АвторMary Shelley


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