Buried in the 14th century BC but unearthed by Howard Carter in 1922, the objects entombed with Tutankhamun are an invaluable window into a long-extinct belief system. Seen today, they create an intricate picture of how the ancient Egyptian people viewed
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Buried in the 14th century BC but unearthed by Howard Carter in 1922, the objects entombed with Tutankhamun are an invaluable window into a long-extinct belief system. Seen today, they create an intricate picture of how the ancient Egyptian people viewed
Технические характеристики
АвторVannini Sandro
Год выпуска2020
Тип обложкиТвердый переплет
Автор на обложкеSandro Vannini
Тип книгиКнига на иностранном языке
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц512
Размеры, мм220x160x40
Формат издания220x160
Сохранность книгиОтличная
Вес товара, г1474
Вес с упаковкой, г1474