Аннотация: This series of delightful storybooks is a flexible resource designed to help teachers engage and motivate young learners in the classroom. They are an ideal way to support children in the early stages of learning English. Teacher's Books and Au
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Аннотация: This series of delightful storybooks is a flexible resource designed to help teachers engage and motivate young learners in the classroom. They are an ideal way to support children in the early stages of learning English. Teacher's Books and Au
Технические характеристики
АннотацияThis series of delightful storybooks is a flexible resource designed to help teachers engage and motivate young learners in the classroom. They are an ideal way to support children in the early stages of learning English. Teacher's Books and Audio Cassett
АвторKent, Brenda Glasberg, Jean
Год издания2004