Jones, Lena "Agatha Oddly: The Secret Key"
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Аннотация: Meet thirteen-year-old Agatha Oddly - a bold, determined heroine, and the star of a stylish new detective series.Agatha Oddlow has been a detective for as long as she can remember - she's just been waiting for her first big case. And nothing ge

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Аннотация: Meet thirteen-year-old Agatha Oddly - a bold, determined heroine, and the star of a stylish new detective series.Agatha Oddlow has been a detective for as long as she can remember - she's just been waiting for her first big case. And nothing ge

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АннотацияMeet thirteen-year-old Agatha Oddly - a bold, determined heroine, and the star of a stylish new detective series.Agatha Oddlow has been a detective for as long as she can remember - she's just been waiting for her first big case. And nothing gets bigger t

ИздательствоHarperCollins Publishers

АвторJones, Lena

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