Аннотация: Will, trust in your friends, we will not let you down. You have been kidnapped by a fearsome wolfship captain, and are trapped on a ship headed to the icebound land of Skandia. Your future looks dark, as you face a life of backbreaking slavery.
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Аннотация: Will, trust in your friends, we will not let you down. You have been kidnapped by a fearsome wolfship captain, and are trapped on a ship headed to the icebound land of Skandia. Your future looks dark, as you face a life of backbreaking slavery.
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АннотацияWill, trust in your friends, we will not let you down. You have been kidnapped by a fearsome wolfship captain, and are trapped on a ship headed to the icebound land of Skandia. Your future looks dark, as you face a life of backbreaking slavery. But you mu
ИздательствоRandom House
АвторJohn Flanagan