For over a hundred years the Pacific island of Pala has been the scene of a unique experiment in civilisation. Its inhabitants live in a society where western science has been brought together with eastern philosophy and humanism to create a paradise on e
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
For over a hundred years the Pacific island of Pala has been the scene of a unique experiment in civilisation. Its inhabitants live in a society where western science has been brought together with eastern philosophy and humanism to create a paradise on e
Технические характеристики
АвторХаксли Олдос, Huxley Aldous
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Автор на обложкеAldous Huxley
Тип книгиКнига на иностранном языке
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц286
Тип бумаги в книгеГазетная
Размеры, мм200x130x20
Формат издания200x130
Вес товара, г220
Вес с упаковкой, г220