Hugh Johnson "Bordeaux Grands Crus Class s 1855"
артикул Y135097502

Аннотация: Step inside the châteaux of the fabled red wines of the Médoc and white wines of Sauternes on this insider's tour, complete with tasting notes for the great vintages.The landmark creation of the Grands Crus Classés in 1855 set the benchmark for

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Аннотация: Step inside the châteaux of the fabled red wines of the Médoc and white wines of Sauternes on this insider's tour, complete with tasting notes for the great vintages.The landmark creation of the Grands Crus Classés in 1855 set the benchmark for

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АннотацияStep inside the châteaux of the fabled red wines of the Médoc and white wines of Sauternes on this insider's tour, complete with tasting notes for the great vintages.The landmark creation of the Grands Crus Classés in 1855 set the benchmark for wine quali

ИздательствоThames & Hudson

АвторHugh Johnson

Год издания2017

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