Аннотация: A new verse translation of one of the foundational ancient Greek works by the award-winning poet A. E. Stallings. Hesiod was the first self-styled 'poet' in western literature, revered by the ancient Greeks. Ostensibly written to chide and educ
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Аннотация: A new verse translation of one of the foundational ancient Greek works by the award-winning poet A. E. Stallings. Hesiod was the first self-styled 'poet' in western literature, revered by the ancient Greeks. Ostensibly written to chide and educ
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АннотацияA new verse translation of one of the foundational ancient Greek works by the award-winning poet A. E. Stallings. Hesiod was the first self-styled 'poet' in western literature, revered by the ancient Greeks. Ostensibly written to chide and educate his laz
ИздательствоPenguin Books
Год издания2016