Аннотация: Meet Arjun Mehta, an Indian cybergeek catapulted into California"s spiralling hi-tech sector; Leela Zahir, beguiling Bollywood actress filming in the midge-infested Scottish wilds; and Guy Swift, hyped-up marketing exec lost in a blue-sky tomor

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Аннотация: Meet Arjun Mehta, an Indian cybergeek catapulted into California"s spiralling hi-tech sector; Leela Zahir, beguiling Bollywood actress filming in the midge-infested Scottish wilds; and Guy Swift, hyped-up marketing exec lost in a blue-sky tomor
Технические характеристики
АннотацияMeet Arjun Mehta, an Indian cybergeek catapulted into California"s spiralling hi-tech sector; Leela Zahir, beguiling Bollywood actress filming in the midge-infested Scottish wilds; and Guy Swift, hyped-up marketing exec lost in a blue-sky tomorrow of his
ИздательствоPenguin Books
АвторHari Kunzru
Год издания2005