Аннотация: The diverse oeuvre of Gustave Dore illustrations, paintings, sculpture combines with biography and critical essays and attests to the artist's enduring impact on contemporary culture. Proclaimed the most illustrious of illustrators, Gustave Dor
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: The diverse oeuvre of Gustave Dore illustrations, paintings, sculpture combines with biography and critical essays and attests to the artist's enduring impact on contemporary culture. Proclaimed the most illustrious of illustrators, Gustave Dor
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АннотацияThe diverse oeuvre of Gustave Dore illustrations, paintings, sculpture combines with biography and critical essays and attests to the artist's enduring impact on contemporary culture. Proclaimed the most illustrious of illustrators, Gustave Dore is best k
ИздательствоThames & Hudson
Год издания2014