Аннотация: Suitable for helping young children begin to learn about times tables, this title focuses on the 2 X and 10 X tables which is how tables are usually introduced at school.
Издательство: Usborne
ISBN: 9781409564805
Год издания: 201
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: Suitable for helping young children begin to learn about times tables, this title focuses on the 2 X and 10 X tables which is how tables are usually introduced at school.
Издательство: Usborne
ISBN: 9781409564805
Год издания: 201
Технические характеристики
АннотацияSuitable for helping young children begin to learn about times tables, this title focuses on the 2 X and 10 X tables which is how tables are usually introduced at school.
АвторGreenwell Jessica
Год издания2014