Goldfinger, Djerba "Reprodepot folk and flora notecard book / Пасторальные мотивы"
артикул Y7546331

Аннотация: It looks like a book, but inside you'll find 24 distinctive note cards and envelopes to send to friends far and wide. This ingenious format reinvents the practice of sending note cards and also serves as a place to store new cards and envelopes

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Аннотация: It looks like a book, but inside you'll find 24 distinctive note cards and envelopes to send to friends far and wide. This ingenious format reinvents the practice of sending note cards and also serves as a place to store new cards and envelopes

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АннотацияIt looks like a book, but inside you'll find 24 distinctive note cards and envelopes to send to friends far and wide. This ingenious format reinvents the practice of sending note cards and also serves as a place to store new cards and envelopes when you'v


АвторGoldfinger, Djerba


Год издания2009

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