Generating Business Referrals... Without Asking reveals why not asking for referrals is the key to a referral explosion. Whether you have been in business ten years or are still in your first year, you have undoubtedly heard about--or even experienced--th
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Generating Business Referrals... Without Asking reveals why not asking for referrals is the key to a referral explosion. Whether you have been in business ten years or are still in your first year, you have undoubtedly heard about--or even experienced--th
Технические характеристики
Год выпуска2018
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Автор на обложкеStacey Randall
Тип книгиПечать по требованию
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц162
Тип бумаги в книгеОфсетная
Размеры, мм127 x 203
Вес с упаковкой, г198.00