Gavin Pretor Pinney "The cloud collectors handbook"
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Аннотация: THE CLOUD COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK fits into the pocket, allowing cloudspotters to identify cloud formations anytime and anywhere. All the common cloud types are represented, as are many of the rare ones, each fully described and illustrated with a

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Аннотация: THE CLOUD COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK fits into the pocket, allowing cloudspotters to identify cloud formations anytime and anywhere. All the common cloud types are represented, as are many of the rare ones, each fully described and illustrated with a

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АннотацияTHE CLOUD COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK fits into the pocket, allowing cloudspotters to identify cloud formations anytime and anywhere. All the common cloud types are represented, as are many of the rare ones, each fully described and illustrated with a range of p

ИздательствоHodder & Stoughton

АвторGavin Pretor Pinney

Год издания2009

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