Аннотация: Everyday Words in English Flashcards are a great way to help your child learn simple vocabulary. There are 50 cards, each with a word and picture on one side, and the same word, alone, on the other. You can use the cards to play games, for self
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Аннотация: Everyday Words in English Flashcards are a great way to help your child learn simple vocabulary. There are 50 cards, each with a word and picture on one side, and the same word, alone, on the other. You can use the cards to play games, for self
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АннотацияEveryday Words in English Flashcards are a great way to help your child learn simple vocabulary. There are 50 cards, each with a word and picture on one side, and the same word, alone, on the other. You can use the cards to play games, for self testing, o
АвторFelicity Brooks
Год издания2005