Kanban is a method of organizing and managing professional services work. It uses Lean concepts such as limiting work in progress to improve results. A Kanban system is a means of balancing the demand for work to be done with the available capacity to sta
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Kanban is a method of organizing and managing professional services work. It uses Lean concepts such as limiting work in progress to improve results. A Kanban system is a means of balancing the demand for work to be done with the available capacity to sta
Технические характеристики
Год выпуска2016
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Автор на обложкеDavid J Anderson, Andy Carmichael
Тип книгиПечать по требованию
Язык изданияАнглийский
Количество страниц102
Тип бумаги в книгеОфсетная
Размеры, мм140 x 210
Вес с упаковкой, г152.00