Аннотация: Edited by David Coward The Three Musketeers (1844) is one of the most famous historical novels ever written. It is also one of the worlds greatest historical adventure stories, and its heroes have become symbols for the spirit of youth, daring,
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Аннотация: Edited by David Coward The Three Musketeers (1844) is one of the most famous historical novels ever written. It is also one of the worlds greatest historical adventure stories, and its heroes have become symbols for the spirit of youth, daring,
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АннотацияEdited by David Coward The Three Musketeers (1844) is one of the most famous historical novels ever written. It is also one of the worlds greatest historical adventure stories, and its heroes have become symbols for the spirit of youth, daring, and comrad
ИздательствоExpress Publishing
АвторElizabeth Gray
Год издания2008