Аннотация: Jason and his sister have just moved to Malibu - to a town full of beautiful rich kids whose lives revolve around money, fashion, cars and parties. But these teens hide a dark - and dangerous secret...RitualJason takes his sister to a New Age f
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Аннотация: Jason and his sister have just moved to Malibu - to a town full of beautiful rich kids whose lives revolve around money, fashion, cars and parties. But these teens hide a dark - and dangerous secret...RitualJason takes his sister to a New Age f
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АннотацияJason and his sister have just moved to Malibu - to a town full of beautiful rich kids whose lives revolve around money, fashion, cars and parties. But these teens hide a dark - and dangerous secret...RitualJason takes his sister to a New Age fair - and t
ИздательствоRandom House
АвторDuval, Alex
Год издания2008