Daynes, Katie "Ltf first q a how do animals talk"
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Аннотация: Why do birds sing? Can animals talk with smells? And what do their markings mean? Young animal lovers can find the answers to these questions and many more in this adorable lift-the-flap information book. With colourful illustrations, simple te

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Аннотация: Why do birds sing? Can animals talk with smells? And what do their markings mean? Young animal lovers can find the answers to these questions and many more in this adorable lift-the-flap information book. With colourful illustrations, simple te

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АннотацияWhy do birds sing? Can animals talk with smells? And what do their markings mean? Young animal lovers can find the answers to these questions and many more in this adorable lift-the-flap information book. With colourful illustrations, simple text and chun


СерияLift-the-flap first questions & answers

АвторDaynes, Katie

Год издания2018

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