Confucius "Analects"
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Аннотация: Confucius is one of the most humane, rational, and lucid of moral teachers, concerned not with arcane metaphysics, but with practical issues of life and conduct. What is virtue? What sort of life is most conducive to happiness? How should the s

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Аннотация: Confucius is one of the most humane, rational, and lucid of moral teachers, concerned not with arcane metaphysics, but with practical issues of life and conduct. What is virtue? What sort of life is most conducive to happiness? How should the s

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АннотацияConfucius is one of the most humane, rational, and lucid of moral teachers, concerned not with arcane metaphysics, but with practical issues of life and conduct. What is virtue? What sort of life is most conducive to happiness? How should the state be rul

ИздательствоRandom House

СерияEveryman`s library classics


Год издания2000

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