Аннотация: Choose your colours, unleash your creativity and lose yourself in a wonderful, feline-filled coloured universe. As you focus on colouring in and forget the stresses of everyday life, you'll find calm returning.
Издательство: Thames & H
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Аннотация: Choose your colours, unleash your creativity and lose yourself in a wonderful, feline-filled coloured universe. As you focus on colouring in and forget the stresses of everyday life, you'll find calm returning.
Издательство: Thames & H
Технические характеристики
АннотацияChoose your colours, unleash your creativity and lose yourself in a wonderful, feline-filled coloured universe. As you focus on colouring in and forget the stresses of everyday life, you'll find calm returning.
ИздательствоThames & Hudson
Год издания2015