Brown Daniel James "The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics"
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Аннотация: The #1 New York Times-bestselling story about American Olympic triumph in Nazi Germany and now the inspiration for the PBS documentary "The Boys of '36" For readers of Unbroken, out of the depths of the Depression comes an irresistible story ab

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Аннотация: The #1 New York Times-bestselling story about American Olympic triumph in Nazi Germany and now the inspiration for the PBS documentary "The Boys of '36" For readers of Unbroken, out of the depths of the Depression comes an irresistible story ab

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АннотацияThe #1 New York Times-bestselling story about American Olympic triumph in Nazi Germany and now the inspiration for the PBS documentary "The Boys of '36" For readers of Unbroken, out of the depths of the Depression comes an irresistible story about beating

ИздательствоRandom House

АвторBrown Daniel James

Год издания2014

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