Аннотация: Winner of the 2010 W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for Best Political Science Book of the Year 2010 The relentless rise of Communism was the most momentous political development of the first half of the twentieth century. No political change has been mo
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Аннотация: Winner of the 2010 W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for Best Political Science Book of the Year 2010 The relentless rise of Communism was the most momentous political development of the first half of the twentieth century. No political change has been mo
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АннотацияWinner of the 2010 W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for Best Political Science Book of the Year 2010 The relentless rise of Communism was the most momentous political development of the first half of the twentieth century. No political change has been more fundamen
ИздательствоRandom House
АвторBrown, Archie