Аннотация: One hippo, all alone, calls two hippos on the phone. So begins this counting story, in which exuberant hippopotamus guests show up in ever-increasing numbers, until an all night party is inevitable.
Издательство: Simon & Schuster
Ваш регион: Россия, Москва
Аннотация: One hippo, all alone, calls two hippos on the phone. So begins this counting story, in which exuberant hippopotamus guests show up in ever-increasing numbers, until an all night party is inevitable.
Издательство: Simon & Schuster
Технические характеристики
АннотацияOne hippo, all alone, calls two hippos on the phone. So begins this counting story, in which exuberant hippopotamus guests show up in ever-increasing numbers, until an all night party is inevitable.
ИздательствоSimon & Schuster
АвторBoynton, Sandra
Год издания2000