Bone Emily "Historical Sticker Dolly Dressing 1960s Fashion"
артикул Y12667423

Аннотация: During the '60s, hemlines rose and pop music and the space race provided inspiration for fashion designers who used modern, synthetic fabrics. This title helps you dress the fashion models in an assortment of amazing outfits from the 1960s with

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Аннотация: During the '60s, hemlines rose and pop music and the space race provided inspiration for fashion designers who used modern, synthetic fabrics. This title helps you dress the fashion models in an assortment of amazing outfits from the 1960s with

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АннотацияDuring the '60s, hemlines rose and pop music and the space race provided inspiration for fashion designers who used modern, synthetic fabrics. This title helps you dress the fashion models in an assortment of amazing outfits from the 1960s with the 200+st


АвторBone Emily


Год издания2014

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