Boles Jennifer "Inspired Design: The 100 Most Important Interior Designers of the Past 100 Years"
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Аннотация: Most decorating books focus on one designer; the rest focus on one period, one trend, one room. This book, for the first time, has the big picture: ALL the names everybody must know from the entire 100 year history of interior design. Each desi

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Аннотация: Most decorating books focus on one designer; the rest focus on one period, one trend, one room. This book, for the first time, has the big picture: ALL the names everybody must know from the entire 100 year history of interior design. Each desi

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АннотацияMost decorating books focus on one designer; the rest focus on one period, one trend, one room. This book, for the first time, has the big picture: ALL the names everybody must know from the entire 100 year history of interior design. Each designer is pro


АвторBoles Jennifer

Год издания2018

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